Paris Hilton | V Magazine July 2011

Paris Hilton looks almost unrecognizable in this months V Magazine. (And she goes topless!)Paris Hilton szinte felismerhetetlen a V Magazin j�liusi sz�m�ban. (�s m�g topless i...

Who Wore It Better? #4

Who do you think pulled off this blue Tibi dress better?Szerinted ki viselte jobban ezt a k�k Tibi ruh�t?Blake Lively, vagy Taylor Swi...

Star Hair Changes #1 - Ashley Tisdale

Do you prefer Ashley with wavy brown locks, or a sleek blonde look?Mit gondoltok, melyik haj �ll jobban Ashley Tisdalenek?Hull�mos barna, vagy egyenes szo...

Katy Perry at The Smurfs Premier

Katy Perry rocked the blue carpet at the premier of The Smurfs in Ziegfeld Theatre, New York City, wearing this custom made Smurfette dress which was created for this special event! She voiced none other than Smurfette herself in the movie.But the unique dress wasn't the only thing Katy shocked fans with, she also showed off her brand new blonde  locks! What do you think of her new hairstyle? Do you prefer this, or her old, black style?Fun fact:...

Selena Gomez | ELLE Mexico August 2011

The Disney star turned singer just turned 19 a few days ago, but Selena Gomez looks all grown up in next month's issue of ELLE Mexico!Igaz, hogy csak egy p�r napja t�lt�tte a 19-et, de Selena Gomez �gy p�zol az ELLE Mexico augusztusi sz�m�ban mint egy igazi �rett, kifinomult ...

First Look: GUESS Accessories Fall/Winter 2011 Campaign

Az elso k�pek a GUESS Kieg�szitok 2011-es oszi/t�li kamp�ny�b�l!�gy l�tszik id�n osszel a GUESS-n�l a leop�rd minta domin�l!Model: Kate Up...

Bracelets 2011

Latest Bracelets Style For 2...

Latest Girls Belts 2011

latest girls belts ...