Rachel Freire's Cow Nipple Dress

And if Nicki Minaj's chicken wing necklace wasn't shocking enough, then we guarantee this will be!

British fashion designer, Rachel Freire, has created this ...we don't even know what to call it...  "dress", from over 3,000 cow nipples.

We don't exactly know what her goal with this creation was, but what we do know is that it defiitely got people talking, and that might just be enough already.

The designer has previously said that she is an "artist", and she is just simply "recyling."
What do you think?

We think it's even more repulsive than Lady Gaga's raw meat dress... Simply disgusting is the right phrase.

�s ha Nicki Minaj csirkesz�rny nyakl�nca nem volt el�g sokkol�, akkor ez garant�ltan az lesz!

Egy angol divattervezo, Rachel Freire, t�bb mint 3,000 darab teh�ntogybol k�sz�tette el ezt a ...nem is tudom minek nevezz�k... "ruh�t".

Nem igaz�n tudjuk hogy mi volt a c�lja a brit tervezonek ezzel a kre�lm�nnyal, de azt biztos el�rte hogy besz�ljenek r�la, �s lehet hogy ez m�r pont el�g is.

Saj�t elmond�sa szerint, O egy "muv�sz", aki szimpl�n csak "�jrahasznos�t."
Ti mit gondoltok?

Szerint�nk ez m�r bizarrnak sem nevethezto... Ink�bb gusztustalan, �s felh�bor�t�!
Oszint�n sz�lva ez m�g Lady Gaga nyers-h�s ruh�j�n�l is rosszabb...


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